"Coalition of Authors Blames 'Thuggish' Amazon for Hachette Dispute"

Yep. Take a look at some of the names on the list. Chances are pretty good that at least one of your favorite authors is on it.

Amazon's response is simultaneously insulting to authors and disingenuous towards readers.

In a harshly-worded statement, attempting to discredit Preston as a spokesperson for the movement, Amazon says that customers have "clearly expressed a preference for e-books priced less than $10. Even four years ago, when readers expressed such a preference, Mr. Preston responded by saying publicly, 'The sense of entitlement of the American consumer is absolutely astonishing.' It's pretty clear it's Mr. Preston who feels entitled. And what's 'astonishing' is that he thinks readers won't recognize an opportunist who seeks readers' support while actively working against their interests."

I suspect that if Amazon started selling first-run e-book novels from major publishers for $.99, consumers would express a preference for that price point, too. But the question isn't what price consumers prefer for e-books. The question is whether publishers can turn enough profit on $10 e-books to stay in business when e-book sales make up 50%+ of the market.

The answer so far seems to be "no."